
PhD in Gender, Politics and Society Studies, Cum Laude Mention

Master in Psychology, Specialist in conflict resolution and theory and in violence prevention in conflict and post-conflict contexts, professional in Sociology.

During my laboral trajectory and academic development, I have been working for the protection of population in vulnerable conditions, considering the equity of gender, the sustainable development, the historical memory and the Human Rights as key aspects of my professional orientation. 

I have work experience in India, Nepal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, México, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panamá, Colombia, Brazil, Perú and Argentine on issues related to ecology and gender, productive projects in the countryside, sustainable development, historical memory, citizen security, gender approach, protection of population rights vulnerable, among others. I served as a university and virtual teacher nationally and internationally. Author of articles and books on care for victims of human rights violations, forced displacement and gender.

For more than 14 years I have worked as a consultant with the international cooperation with agencies like USAID, DAI, UNDP and UNICEF for Latin American and the Caribbean.  Also, I have worked as a consultant and researcher at University of Notre Dame, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Universidad de los Andes. In projects addressed to the improvement of wellbeing of people, through innovated pedagogies for the knowledge management, strategic publications, writing and design of educational modules and affirmative actions for capacity building. 




Bosnia & Herzegovina



